skating down the mountain, skyline in our rear view mirror.


pre-weekend dealings

bass tan loafers, bullhead blue skinny jeans, indigo polo, h&m azure blue race jacket
Fresh out of class and in the midst of a damaged shoe return, I find myself with no further commitments between me and the weekend.  Oh what a glorious feeling it is, loosened up, jailbroken mind and bumping into an old friend.  Here's to a weekend well spent in the streets with my fellow people of Oakland.  Each one seems to surpass the previous weekending extravaganzas.  Hey! It's Thursday and I know you're counting down the hours until the quest for endless adventure continues.  As am I my friends.  "The good times are killing me, here we go!"-shane


back in action! (maybe)

Ohhhh, my friends, what can I say? I'm starting to realize the challenge of blogging: it's easy to take pictures of your outfits every day, but it's a totally different story to come up with something worthwhile to tell you to go along with it. That's why our interactions have been fleeting :) But we're learning! And hey, maybe this will end up being a bit of a confidence booster, this blog...maybe it'll help me learn that everything I have to say is important! Hehe, cheesy, I know. I'm trying! 

Well anyways, look at my kick-butt shoes! Last semester, into this past summer, I was a Writing Team intern at, before they moved parts of the company from Pittsburgh to San Francisco, and in my final week, some of my coworkers (who are all awesome) told me I just have to get a pair of platforms. So I did, and of course they're my favorite shoes I've ever owned. I was sort of just playing dress up in these pictures, taken on Friday, in some spare time between writing a paper and...writing a paper, but then I decided to wear it out that night (although I ditched the platforms for some opaque black tights and boots - brr!)!

h&m dress, vintage belt, modcloth shoes

If all goes as planned, you guys will be seeing an influx of posts coming up! But since we're stuuuudents, you know, nothing's guaranteed. We'll get the hang of it eventually! In the mean time, check me out on chictopia. You'll probably see some overlap outfits (college budget = limited wardrobe, sort of), but I try to update my blog on there as much as I can. See you soon! -christen


looking at the sun

modcloth dress, jaywalk boots, kookai belt (below). on him: bullhead olive jeans, h&m button-down, electric hardknox sunglasses

Technically not summer, yet missing the cool  fall weather, September's soft warm air never ceases to keep our spirits high. These giant iron statues all around campus peer at us every day but today we thought we'd introduce ourselves. -shane
So much beauty all around us, day after day, on campus. Pittsburgh's the best :) ...and then before we knew it, we had to rush off to class! But we spent pretty much the rest of the day lounging in the grass in Schenley Plaza (much prettier and softer than the grass next to the Hyker statue, up above) anyways, so overall, there's no denying that it was one of the many perfect days. -christen