skating down the mountain, skyline in our rear view mirror.


red wall fall

on christen: odille blouse, urban outfitters skirt, h&m thigh highs, i.n.c. oxfords
on magic jake: vintage sears flannel circa 1877, griffith shorts
on shane: billabong shirt, h&m pants, globe sneakers

If I had to guess, I'd say our sporadic style of posting isn't a mystery. My only alibi is this:  in a world full of junk, consumption and accumulation where does one stand out? Is uniqueness found in a flurry of pictures, thoughts, links, videos and commentary on everyday life? Maybe. But to me, pockets of distinguishability arise in the miniscule; in between the threads that we so artfully weave together to make up our own cultural understandings. So if you happen to give our link a clickity click, remember how you got here. What small inkling of fascination did you pursue to check out 2 fairly normal human's blog? I'm satisfied not knowing - I'm absorbed in the mysterious reasoning behind this postmodern trend of stumbling and discovering. Let us not fail to explore.
Our beguiling icon, Columbus, probably couldn't tell you what he was looking for when he set out across the big pond but he sure as hell found something worth discovering. Keep the receptors open at all times. You never know what delights lay around the corner. As summer turns its shoulder to us and the auburn winds of fall fill the city, go out and watch it breathe. Watch it spin and twist in our solar spiral of this magnificent universe. We're one among many but it's that invaluable solidarity that makes each day worth living. Tune in for more.  

1 comment:

  1. damn these are some sexy people. MEOOWWWWW


Thanks for stoppin' by! Let us know what you're thinking :)